Using our proven freight transportation management approach and our knowledge of industry best practices, we can optimize the value of your freight expenditures in all areas. And, if you have a private truck fleet, we’ll work to make sure it’s delivering the greatest benefits to your company. Our proven Freight Management approach has produced dollars in freight savings for our clients, and we can do the same for your company.
As a CAMAJOR client; we’ll start by conducting a comprehensive evaluation of your company’s freight activities, your service needs, your freight costs and the carriers you use. We’ll then compare these factors to industry freight benchmarking standards and best practices to find the segments of your freight transportation operations that can lead directly to cost savings and service improvements. You’ll get a strategic freight management plan designed to deliver positive results that will go straight to your company’s bottom line.
Full or Partial Freight Management
CAMAJOR offers a comprehensive approach to Freight Management adapted to your needs. We can take on the task of managing all or part of your freight shipping operations, either on-site or off-site, performing functional responsibilities for shipping, loss and damage prevention, claims, shipment expediting, and service quality management. We’ll also track and report shipping costs to you on a monthly basis in clear and concise formats.
- If you use for- hire carriers: We’ll incorporate freight cost benchmarking, carrier selection, and rate negotiation techniques to assure that you get the best rates available and the service quality you need.
- If you have your own fleet: We’ll conduct an evaluation of the costs and benefits of your existing or proposed private truck freight shipping operations so you’ll know that benefits your fleet provides. If you don’t have a private fleet, we can tell you if having one makes sense for your company.
Why does our Company need Freight Management Services?
CAMAJOR specializes in freight transportation management services. We have a professional, expert staff that can evaluate your operations and develop methods and procedures for helping your company reduce freight transortation costs while improving service quality.
Many companies don’t realize that each and every transportation decision can result in hundreds or thousands of dollars in company expense, rivaling the vast majority of capital expenditure-level amounts. Yet the degree of oversight of these decisions is relatively minimal. Your company might require multiple approvals before an employee can purchase a computer, but very little approval before a shipment decision having similar fiscal impact is made. That’s where we come in.
Many companies don’t realize that each and every transportation decision can result in hundreds or thousands of dollars in company expense, rivaling the vast majority of capital expenditure-level amounts. Yet the degree of oversight of these decisions is relatively minimal. Your company might require multiple approvals before an employee can purchase a computer, but very little approval before a shipment decision having similar fiscal impact is made. That’s where we come in.